All Day Daito-ryu

This Saturday, Daito-ryu took over the Shogun Dojo as once again we took the study group “on tour”. We didn’t have to travel far this time though as we infiltrated Shogun’s regular Aikido and Karate classes. Great effort was made by both groups to try something a bit different. And…

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Bristol Study Group

Ginjukai UK Branch went on tour to Bristol yesterday. We caught up with old friends, and checked in with Ginjukai members from the west country. Out thanks go to Daren and Rich for hosting and looking after us.

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Tonight was all about Aiki Age. And most enjoyable it was too. Especially because of Lionel’s “required softness” rum, which was most appreciated.

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Proper treat

Tonight during practice, we received a video call from the USA. One of our two teachers, Popkin Sensei, phoned in for a video chat and very kindly gave us some instruction.

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Tonight was fun

Another evening of lines, albeit short ones. Focus was on balance breaking. Thank you to everyone for all their continued hard work. We forgot to take a group photo, so this one will have to do

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A toast

Training last night was excellent. The two hours flew by. We also took a moment to hold a “softness” toast to our training in 2023. Here’s a few snaps of some Aiki age practice.

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These guys are Very serious about their Daito-ryu. An excellent evening training was followed in classic “three beers softness” fashion at the pub.

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Very active session

Thanks to everyone who attended this evening’s study group session. Such an excellent workrate, we got through so much. It was lovely to hear everyone so excited for December’s Aiki Connections weekend.

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“Circumstances” meant we had a bit of skeleton study group last night. Short training lines aside, we focused on just three kata for the whole session. With limited opportunities to practise before Popkin Sensei and Brogna Sensei arrive in December, we finished the evening with a real feeling that progress…

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Destination Copenhagen

A contingent from the study group went on tour courtesy of an invitation from Ole Kingston of Daito-ryu Aiki-Jujutsu Enryukai. Great friends with our teachers Popkin and Brogna Senseis, Ole has practised Daito-ryu since 1986. Ole began the Daito-ryu Aiki-Jujutsu Enryukai after Okamoto Sensei passed away in 2015. We were…

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Greatest hits

Tonight we focused in on the three techniques of Daito-ryu – Up, down and turn. Unfortunately we also said farewell to Will who is leaving for warmer climes. We will miss him.

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Gagging for it

Very enjoyable evening at Study Group. Everyone is desperate for December to come around quickly so we can get busy with enjoying Aiki Connections 2022. As our inimitable Lionel put so eloquently “gagging for it!”

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Detailed study

A very focused session tonight, with the aim of minimum effort, maximum effect. As always, a varied degree of success was achieved. But we loved every minute of it. We also celebrated Dangerous Dave’s birthday.

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Epic evening

Absolute cracker of a study group session last night. Kudos to all who always travel so far to train together. Then we finished off with our attempt at the requisite beer softness (albeit in the wrong order).

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At last!

We did it. We finally, after such a long hiatus, have been able to resume study group practice. It was so great to see everyone. Nice new dojo too! Here’s to much more Daito-Ryu.

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We’re back baby!

First Study Group meeting back after Covid restrictions is 2nd July 2021. And we have a dojo…. Unit 2, Oyster Bay,Estuary CloseSt Augustine Business Park,SwalecliffeCT5 2QJ If you would like to try Daito-Ryu with us, get in touch via the contact page.

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Seminar Feedback by Rich Hobbs

This was my second time attending a seminar with Howard Popkin and the only disappointment I came away with was that the time between each opportunity is as long as it is… Howard has a confident yet quiet delivery and whilst he is friendly, open and safe in his delivery…

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Aiki Connections by Ben Forrest

Training with Howard Popkin Sensei provides a unique insight into Daito Ryu and some of its elements which translate into Aikido. His techniques are are incredibly soft – almost effortless – and yet they are impossible to resist. Although this is infuriating at first, Howard’s detailed explanation and step-by-step demonstration…

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